What is The Time Diet?
The Time Diet is a system of time management that is a bit more…digestible than most. It is based on the concept of “everything in moderation.” Everything you do during the day belongs to one of three time management food groups:
1. Meats
These are your difficult tasks that take a lot of thinking.
These tasks are still important, but are easier to complete than your meats. They don’t require as much energy or thinking.
3. Desserts 
These are your fun, enjoyable tasks. Desserts are your hobbies, time spent with friends and family, or just taking a moment to relax!
The trick to having great time management skills is choosing a “balanced diet” of these tasks each day. When we try to base our time management simply on prioritization, we end up overwhelmed trying to tackle too much difficult work at once. This is why we must categorize before we prioritize!
Want to learn more? Check out The Time Diet blog, time management books