Are you looking to become a better virtual public speaker? To give a better webinar? To transition your in-person content to an online space? I can help! Your virtual content can become more engaging with just one or two sessions, leaving the people on the other side of that computer saying, “Wow! That person is INCREDIBLE!”

And look, I’m not going to inflate my coaching into some ridiculous multi-thousand dollar package. (Sorry “business coaches,” I’m not going to do it.) I know how to help you, this isn’t going to cost a bazillion dollars, I won’t use the word “influencer,” (not even once) and you’ll walk away with a concrete, actionable plan to elevate your virtual presence. Email to get started. And if you decide it’s not a good fit, I won’t pester you (I don’t have the time. Neither do you.)
Look, I’ll even throw you some tips for free:
How to Deliver Better Webinars
1. Speed up your pace
Seriously. Pace is always important, but now it’s extra, EXTRA important. You’ve got to keep your webinar moving or you’ll lose attention quickly.
2. Use better lighting
Remember you hear with your eyes too. If people can’t see you clearly, or are focused on how dark and shadowing you look, they won’t be focused on hearing your message.
3. Let your personality come through
It’s always important to connect to the audience but that happens much more naturally in-person. You have to purposefully and intentionally MAKE it happen in a virtual space, but it’s worth the effort.
Best of luck,